How much
packers and movers charges from Bangalore to Hyderabad?
Bangalore to Hyderabad distance
by road is approx 570 Km and takes about 9 Hours to travel,
but that’s not the only factor in pricing of packing and moving charges. Beside
distance your goods volume, weight, sophistication, packing material quality,
and the moving company brand and standard makes the main difference in the
final charges.
to Hyderabad Household Moving Charges
Few Household/1BHK :
Rs. 9,000 - 15,000
2BHK Households :
Rs. 18,000 - 22,000
3BHK Households :
Rs. 25,000 - 34,000
to Hyderabad Vehicle Moving Charges
2 Wheeler / Bike :
Rs. 4,000 - 4,500
4 Wheeler / Car :
Rs. 8,000 - 10,000
1. Given
pricing is only an approximate estimation for accurate rates please ask
for Packers
and Movers Charges.
2. Given
pricing is for descent quality moving company if you are willing to hire basic
or best quality service rates may vary -20% or +20% respectively.
Affecting Packing & Moving Pricing
1. Quantity,
Volume, and Weight of your Goods
2. Sophistication,
Type and Shape of Items
3. Distance
between origin and destination
4. Packing
Material Quality
5. Brand
& Process Standards of moving companies
6. If
living in non-lift flat charges may increase
are many domestic packers and movers in Bangalore those could relocate our
goods to Hyderabad. But the best choice would be those having well established
presence in Hyderabad. You can also ask Google Search for “Packers and Movers Bangalore to
Hyderabad” for relevant moving companies.
on all above mentioned criteria we have shortlisted some packers
and movers Bangalore to Hyderabad. You can easily view
company profile, compare ratings and reviews to find out right one by yourself
or ask us for suggestion. And you will get 3 best match movers
and packers Bangalore recommendation within 5 minutes, with charges
estimation quote.